
Hello All,

Let me introduce myself with a little biography. It is not the most personnal set of informatin but it is a good start to inform you on who I am and I hope you will know more about my personnality through my posts.

First of all, it is important for you to know that I am French and that English is not my mother tongue. Therefore, I already apologize for the grammatical mistakes that might appear in my posts.

I have studied biology and chemistry during my first years at the university to then specialised myself in Environment. I got a Master degree in Environment from the University of Paris VI (Pierre ad Marie Curie) in France. Then I have entered a French Business School: HEC (Paris) and obtained a seond degree in Management of Sustainable Development.

After a 6 months mission of mapping good practices in term of sustainable development for Bouygues Construction I have joined Alstom and more specifically the Power Sector of the company. I had different missions within the company, in Växjö, Sweden I studied and tested the CO2 Capture technology with Chilled Ammonia. Then in Belfort, France I have been for almost 3 years the Development Project Leader of Project CO2 Capture Ready. Since October 2009 I am now based in Baden, Switzerland, where I was appointed Manager for Porject Sustainability,  this transverse project covers all the businesses of Alstom Power.

I take the opportunity of this introduction to inform you that all views expressed on these pages are mine alone and not (necessarily) those of any current, future or former employer. As I reserve the right to review my position based on future evidence, they may not even reflect my own views by the time you read them. If you have any doubt on it. Just ask :)